I offer a variety of editing services, as listed below. Please click on a service to learn more about it.
I'll examine your story from the perspective of a reader and provide you with a short editorial letter to explain what I liked and what was missing.
I'll edit your document for content and story. I'll use Microsoft Word's Track Changes feature to make specific commentary and I'll provide you with a detailed editorial letter to explain what isn't working and how to improve.
I'll edit your document for readability line by line using Microsoft Word's Track Changes feature.
I'll edit your document for grammar word by word using Microsoft Word's Track Changes feature.
I'll review your document's final draft to ensure that it is consist and accurate and that there are no spelling and grammar errors using Microsoft Word's Track Changes feature.
ready to get in touch?
Please fill out this form in as much detail as possible and I'll get back to you STAT!
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